@app.route('/getUrl', methods=['GET', 'POST']) defgetUrl(): url = request.args.get("url") host = parse.urlparse(url).hostname if host == 'suctf.cc': return"我扌 your problem? 111" parts = list(urlsplit(url)) host = parts[1] if host == 'suctf.cc': return"我扌 your problem? 222 " + host newhost = [] for h in host.split('.'): newhost.append(h.encode('idna').decode('utf-8')) parts[1] = '.'.join(newhost) #去掉 url 中的空格 finalUrl = urlunsplit(parts).split(' ')[0] host = parse.urlparse(finalUrl).hostname if host == 'suctf.cc': return urllib.request.urlopen(finalUrl).read() else: return"我扌 your problem? 333" </code> <!-- Dont worry about the suctf.cc. Go on! --> <!-- Do you know the nginx? -->
if host == 'suctf.cc': return urllib.request.urlopen(finalUrl).read() else: return"我扌 your problem? 333" </code> <!-- Dont worry about the suctf.cc. Go on! --> <!-- Do you know the nginx? -->